New Year Goals

new year resolutions

2013 Goals –

1. make a travel journal

2. practice yoga

3. more family road trips

4. learn to crochet

5. bake the perfect german chocolate cake (my husband’s favorite)

My 2013 goals this year may seem a little trivial and juvenile but these are the things I hope to accomplish… wish me luck.


photo credit: mod human vintage pintrest

A Fine Day



homemade baked bread

vintage shoes

vintage bags and scarves

afternoon wine

It would appear that Sundays is a good day for me, giving the fact I’m able to re-visit this little corner of the web and share with you some moments that has taken place around the house on this very day…

Aside from that, my family and I enjoyed yet another lovely week. Mostly indulging in the making of art (my husband is an artist, a builder, a philosopher… he’s everything), fresh homemade meals, precious moments performed by baby j.j and lot’s of giggles, laughter and smiles shared amongst ourselves. While husband worked steadily at his craft, baby j.j and I engaged in numerous activities involving other babies and moms alike. We made some friends along the way and even learned new songs and listened to a few fascinating children stories.  Although baby j.j. was introduced to bananas several months ago, he managed to surprise me by actually eating a banana entirely on his own. That was pretty amazing! And not to toot my own horn, but I too managed to pull something grand off. I baked a loaf of bread this morning that was enjoyed over breakfast and (for my husband) throughout the entire day until the loaf no longer existed. Oh yes, so there you have it… another fine day here in the mountains .. I do hope yours was swell too.